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Her Hollywood Daddy Page 6

  She shut her phone off. “I won’t.”

  Julie, her agent, pulled into the studio parking lot right after they did. “Marissa,” she called, walking over in a crisp but sexy business suit, her heels clicking on the pavement.

  “I’ll let you two talk,” Joel said in a low voice, heading inside.

  Julie pointed toward the door he’d entered. “You came with him?” Not waiting for an answer, she gave a knowing nod. “Nice work. What’s on your lip? Listen, I can handle this. Your job is just to look contrite and let me do the talking.”

  “That’s what Joel said,” she muttered.

  Julie raised her eyebrows. “Did he? Smart man. Let’s go. Oh God, there’s your mother. Come on, let’s go in before she catches us.” Julie grabbed her arm and tugged her through the door and into the elevator, closing the doors before her mom appeared.

  “Try not to let your mom say anything crazy, okay? We’re just lucky they’re willing to talk terms to keep you on the movie. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but you need to get your shit together, sugar, or your entire career is sunk. Yesterday everyone was throwing out the old she will never work in Hollywood again lines about you.”

  If Julie meant to reassure her, she’d done a terrible job. She touched her cold sore with her finger and trailed after her agent into the appointed conference room where Joel held out a chair for her to sit beside him. Antonio sat across the table, his fingers interlaced, staring at a corner of the ceiling.

  Joel dropped a hand onto her nape in a signal to everyone in the room of his support.

  She exhaled and forced a smile.

  “This is Alan Gray, from legal, Joe Rymes, you know Doug Smit, the producer. And we’re just waiting on Mr. Betts, who will represent the studio executives today,” Joel said.

  Her mom toddled in and plopped down on her other side. “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for the last twelve hours,” she hissed.

  Marissa shrugged. “My phone was dead,” she said.

  Joel’s eyes slid sideways to look at her but he didn’t comment.

  Mr. Betts came in and the room fell silent. “So, what are we looking at?” he said, obviously not into small talk.

  Alan Gray, the attorney for the studio spoke up, directing his attention to Julie. “Well, as you know, the studio is prepared to file for breach of contract.”

  “Bullshit,” Julie cut in. “You need her to finish this movie, she’s ready to finish it. I don’t even know why we’re here to talk.”

  “We’re here because I have been trying to make this film all week, but your little—”

  “All right, Antonio,” Doug Smit cut in, “we know it’s been a rough week. We’re here to talk about how to get back on track. The studio is willing to rehire Ms. Sparks under a few conditions.”

  “Which are?” Julie, asked.

  “The cost of delays will be deducted from her salary.”

  “That is ridiculous,” her mother snapped.

  Marissa shot her a warning glance.

  “To what tune?”

  “Seventy-eight thousand. And counting, because from the looks of her face, she won’t be returning to film tomorrow.”

  Marissa flushed and it took all her willpower to keep from touching her cold sore.

  “Again, I’m calling bullshit,” Julie said. “Ms. Sparks clearly has a medical condition that prevents her from working. You give her hassle on this and I’ll have the union and her attorney down your throats so fast you—”

  The attorney held up his hand. “We just need some assurance this won’t be an on-going issue.”

  “It won’t be,” Joel said. All the eyes turned to him, some registering surprise. “Marissa will be staying with me for the remainder of the shoot and I will make sure she stays healthy.”

  Everyone turned to look from her to Joel and back again and no one said a word for a full three seconds. She sat frozen, not sure how to play this particular scenario. Was she still the sorrowful starlet? For some reason, she felt the part of Joel’s babygirl coming on, but that wouldn’t be right. He said she had to be mature in front of others.

  “Well, that’s good enough for me,” Doug said. “Obviously Joel has an enormous stake in getting this picture done right. If he’s taking responsibility, I feel comfortable giving the go-ahead to rehire Marissa.”

  Her mom opened her mouth and Marissa tensed, but no sound came out.

  “Great. Where do we sign?” Julie asked.

  The attorney pulled out a contract and slid it over to her. Julie scanned it and signed, pushing the papers to Marissa and tapping her signature line. She signed without reading it.

  Betts stood up and everyone followed suit, shaking hands and leaving the room.

  “Julie,” her mother said, “do you really think we had to settle for that?”

  Julie rounded on her. “I think Marissa came close to losing her entire career yesterday and I think you’re partly to blame. It’s time to hire Marissa a real manager who can keep her on her game.”

  Her mother’s jaw fell open.

  Marissa turned and made a beeline for the door. Joel’s warm hand touched her back and she wanted to turn and dive into his arms and hide there. How bizarre. One night playing his baby girl and she’d actually turned into the child he wanted her to be. God, if she’d didn’t watch out, he’d rip the very fabric of her identity from her.

  But she could sort through that later. Right now, she didn’t want to have any conversation with her mom, and Joel seemed to be backing her up on her escape.

  “We’ll be swinging by Marissa’s place to pick up some of her things because she’ll be staying with me during the remainder of the filming,” he said.

  “Oh,” her mother said, her wide blue eyes blank. She could see her mom’s bitchy side warring with her star-worship of the great Joel Sutherland.

  Marissa kept walking briskly, imitating Julie’s confident stride. She didn’t look back at her mother or Joel, but she felt Joel’s presence right behind her. She climbed in his car the second he hit the unlock button on his fob.

  He sat down beside her and dropped a hand on her knee. “Are you okay?”

  She exhaled. “Yeah. Let’s just get going, though, okay?” She didn’t want her mom toddling over to her window and wanting to “talk.”

  He put the car in reverse and backed out.

  “Just so we’re clear, if you ever give me that passive-aggressive line about your phone being dead when you really just didn’t want to call me, I will bend you over my lap and spank your bare bottom until you can’t sit down.”

  She gaped in surprise.

  “And when I’ve finished paddling you raw, I will put a plug in your naughty ass and you’ll stand in the corner with your panties down and your red cheeks on display until I’m sure you’ve learned never to play games with Daddy.”

  Heat flushed down her neck, across her breasts and to her core. Her bottom prickled at the threat. “It was true,” she said in a small, babygirl voice.

  He lifted an eyebrow and she shrank in her seat. “I will spank you for lying, too.”

  She chewed on her lip, trying to figure out if he meant it as a warning or if she’d just earned a spanking. “You would spank me, or you will?”

  One corner of his mouth tugged up. “Consider it a warning, little girl.”

  She couldn’t decide if she was relieved or disappointed.


  Joel followed Marissa’s directions to her house and pulled into the circular drive. The mansion was enormous, three stories of balconies and marble fountains spitting water out front. It didn’t really seem like Marissa, but he didn’t say so. Probably her mother had picked it out.

  He followed Marissa inside to find last night’s party still going on. Music blared on the stereo and beautiful drunk and stoned people stumbled around in partial nudity.

  “There you are,” her sister exclaimed, zipping over. Her pupils were tiny, her skin pale a
nd the muscles around her mouth pulled taut. Definitely coked up. She directed her gaze at him, reaching out to touch his chest. “Joel,” she purred, “so nice to see you at our humble abode.” She swept an arm out, almost knocking over the girl who’d come up behind her.

  “Hi Marissa, hi Joel,” the girl said. He recognized her as the supermodel Marissa’s boyfriend had left her for.

  He put his hand on Marissa’s hip.

  “What’s going on?” her sister Bev asked.

  “I just came to get some stuff. I’m going to stay at Joel’s while we’re shooting the rest of the movie.”

  Bev arched a plucked brow. “Oh? Well, where’s the car? I needed it this morning.”

  “Where’s my car?” Marissa asked, the tendons in her neck straining.

  He rubbed his hand up and down her side. “It’s at Joel’s,” she said.

  Seeing her inability to be direct, he said, “Marissa’s going to need her car while she’s staying with me.”

  Bev stiffened. “Is that so?”

  “Well, I’d better get going,” Marissa said.

  “Aw, you’re leaving?” the model said. “I was hoping we could hang out.”

  Marissa’s brow wrinkled and she opened her mouth, then shut it again.

  “Sorry,” he said, propelling Marissa forward, “but we have to rehearse for the movie we’re filming.”

  Marissa took the steps two at a time, as if she wanted to leave it all behind. He caught up with her on the landing, trailing her into what must be her room, although it didn’t appear to be the master bedroom of the house. She slammed her purse down with a loud huff.

  “Hey,” he said, “what has you so riled up?”

  “Are you kidding me?” she snapped, whirling to face him. “Did you see the state of the house? Those same people have been in my house for like, three days now.”

  “So why didn’t you ask them to leave?”

  Her hands balled into fists, her jaw thrust forward. “Why don’t you just keep out of it?”

  He recoiled, shocked at the amount of anger directed toward him. “Hey,” he said sharply. “You don’t talk like that to me. Ever. Are we clear?”

  She didn’t answer, turning away to stomp to her closet, but not before he saw the tremble in her lower lip.

  Damn. What she really needed was another good spanking, but there was no way he’d risk embarrassing her by doing it there. “Come here.”

  She ignored him, opening and closing the drawers to her dresser with more energy than necessary.


  She arrived at his feet just as he finished the third count, her lower lip stuck out, her arms folded across her chest.

  He hid a smile. She was absolutely adorable when she pouted.

  She actually stamped her foot, dropping her arms, her fists balled at her sides. “What’s so funny?

  He reached for her waist and pulled her closer. “Nothing. I’ve just never seen such a sexy sulk before.”

  Her shoulders relaxed and the anger on her face disappeared. She nibbled on her lip, her eyes skimming his face but not landing anywhere.

  He pulled her up to straddle his waist, squeezing her round bottom through her Daisy Dukes. “Baby girl, I know there are a lot of open issues for you here with your sister and your mom and the house. I know it stresses you out. But it’s no excuse for being naughty.” He continued kneading her bottom, pulling her hips tight against his, his growing cock pressing against the seam of her shorts. “Daddy won’t tolerate sass from his little girl. I’m going to take care of your naughty bottom when we get home. Right now I just need to you to pull it together enough to pack what you need for a few days and we’ll get out of here. Okay?” he asked, peering into her face.

  The ghost of a smile appeared and she nodded.

  He grasped her jaw and brought her face to his mouth. He kissed the corner of her mouth, away from the cold sore. “Good girl,” he said, lifting her to stand and patting her ass. “What can I do to help you pack?” he asked, following her to stand.

  She shook her head. “Nothing,” she said, but turned and stepped back against him, her forehead against his chest.

  He put his arms around her and held her close. “I know things are pretty messy right now,” he murmured against her hair, “but I’m going to help you get your life together, at least as much as you’ll let me. In the end, it’s your show. I want you to know that. You’re subject to my rules, but I’m not going to take over the big real-life choices.” He kissed her forehead.

  “Thanks...I think,” she said.

  He ran his hands along the bottom edge of her shorts. “If you have more shorts like this, you’re welcome to bring them along. And any other little girl clothes you might have.”

  She giggled into his shirt and pulled away. “I have a whole drawer-full of short shorts,” she said, pulling open a drawer and grabbing a handful of clothing, which she tossed at him.

  He caught them and set them on the bed. “Where’s your suitcase?”

  She pulled a suitcase out of the closet and handed it to him.

  He placed it on the bed, unzipped it and started packing her clothes into it.

  She had an ungodly amount of clothing, which didn’t surprise him. “We can always come back. So maybe just think about packing for a week. Bring your workout clothes, a couple dressy things, and then just short shorts. I’ll probably have you naked or in little girl clothes most of the time, anyway.”

  She giggled, darting a shy look at him as she pulled a couple dresses from her closet. She threw some sandals and sneakers at him, along with a pile of underclothing and a cosmetic bag. “Let’s go,” she said. “I really want to get out of here. Even if you are going to spank me when we get home—I mean to your home,” she corrected.

  He slapped her ass. “It’s your home too, while you’re staying there, sweetheart.” He picked up her suitcase.

  “Oh, it rolls,” she said, lunging for the telescoping handle.

  He pulled it out of reach. “Please,” he said. “I’m a man. I don’t need to roll a suitcase.”

  She giggled. “Okay, big man.” She leaped at him, nearly knocking him back as she attached herself to him, straddling his waist with her legs. “But can you carry me and my suitcase?”

  He bounced her higher. “That’s my girl,” he said, pleased she was letting her Little out. She tried to get down, but he didn’t allow her.

  “I was just kidding,” she said.

  He opened the door.

  “Joel,” she said, sounding a little panicked. “Let me down. You’ll fall down the stairs and kill yourself. And all those people are down there.”

  He set her down, not wanting her to suffer embarrassment.

  Her mom appeared from one of the bedrooms. “So what’s going on, exactly?”

  “I need Marissa to stay with me until we finish shooting the movie,” he said, although she must already know that part.


  “I gotta go, Mom,” she said, walking toward the stairs.

  He experienced a moment of pity for Marissa, that she had to run away from all her problems because they were too scary for her to handle. He hoped he could help her with that issue, but he also knew it was huge and deeply ingrained into her personality. It went with the submissive part of her in an un-actualized angry teenager kind of way. But his role now was to support, so he followed her down the stairs and out the door, putting her suitcase in the trunk of his car.

  She sat in the front seat and fished a pack of gum out of her purse. “Want some?”

  “No thanks,” he said with a smile, pulling out.

  “No, seriously, you have to try it. It’s grape and lemon together. It’s sooo good.”

  He smiled. “Okay, baby. I’ll try your gum.”

  She beamed and unwrapped a piece, popping it into his mouth.

  “Mmm,” he said. “This is good.”

  “You see?” she said.

chuckled. He drove to his house and pulled into the garage, cutting the engine. “All right, little girl. It’s time for your spanking.”

  Her shoulders sank. “You were serious?”

  “Very. Go to our bedroom and wait for me.”

  “Our bedroom? Uh...okay.”

  She looked over her shoulder twice as she walked.

  He didn’t make her wait long, just pulled her suitcase out of the trunk and followed her in. She sat on the edge of the bed, twisting her fingers together.

  “Take off your shorts, Rissa Roo.”

  Her eyes lifted at the pet name and he thought he saw a faint smile as she stood up and unbuttoned her shorts. She started to pull them down, then stopped. “Shorts and panties?”

  “Just shorts. I like to pull your panties down myself, and I like them to stay at your thighs.”

  She dropped the shorts at her feet and stepped out of them.

  He sat on the bed and patted his thighs. “Bend over my lap, little girl.”


  “Yes, Rissa?”

  She sucked her lip. “Do you have to spank me?”

  “Yes, I do, little girl. Are you still sore?”

  “A little,” she said. “And I think I’m more scared now than I was yesterday.”

  He picked up both her hands. “Sweet girl. Yesterday’s spanking was a very serious punishment. Today will not be so harsh, as long as you’re a good girl and stay in position. Can you do that for Daddy?”

  She nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “That’s my girl.” He patted his lap once more and she lowered her chin and bent over, her torso resting on the bed.

  He slapped her delicious ass, fairly hard.

  “Ooh!” she gasped.

  He slapped her other cheek.

  She expelled her breath with a big puff.

  He spanked her again, and she lifted the pointed toes of one foot.

  “Feet down,” he reminded her, although he found her pose cute in a sex-kitten kind of way. Sex kitten pretty much summed up Marissa Sparks. He lowered her panties to her thighs, making the perfect frame for her toned ass.

  She squirmed on his lap as he began to pick up the pace, issuing little mewls of protest. Her bottom took on a pink blush, his fingers leaving red lines that faded.